Sunday, January 26

Maureen Kademaunga CCC Mp Osungwa Nezanupf

Mapurisa anoti asunga Doctor Maureen Kademaunga vakasarudzwa kuva nhengo yeparamende vari nhengo yeCCC nevamwe vaviri ichivapomera mhosva yekuda kuponda imwe nhengo yeZanu-PF musi wekuvhota.






Vatatu ava vanoti vari kuzorwa mafuta enguruve yavasina kudya.The arrest of opposition MPs must be contextualised.





In this piece I mentioned 6 days ago that;





“ZANUPF is not yet done with its attempt to get a two thirds majority, it will attempt to get opposition MPs in rural and peri-urban areas convicted of contrived cases to force by-elections, the opposition must stay vigilant.”






ZANUPF is very predictable and easy to analyse, its behaviour is very easy to predict for students of journalism, history and politics.

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