Tuesday, October 22

Opinions News

August 03, 2024

Chipo Trouble Causer Nhai Mwari

NdiNgoni naMb vanga vakarihacker team iya ahide anobudirira vanoda zveve kwavo chete             Nice seeing you again sis, we have missed you so much ❤️.

May 01, 2024

Varume Ava Haya Edmore Majowiro and Olton Dzikiri Vonyepa Zvavo Kwemakore Vachiti Mapurisa ZRP Vachibiira Vanhu Roadblocks And Pama Gas Station Zvinzwirewo

TWO men, who were masquerading as police officers and terrorising a local gas company, have been arrested and appeared in court yesterday charged with impersonation. Edmore Majowiro and Olton Dzikiri appeared before magistrate Ethel Chichera and were remanded in custody to tomorrow for bail considerations.           Circumstances are that in March, Majowiro went to Intergrated Gas company and introduced himself as police officer who was stationed at ZRP Makoni. He asked for the company’s ZERA licence and the employee on duty, Simbarashe Masvaure, phoned his general manager, Romeo Makudo.            Makudo went to the site and attended to Majowiro who then demanded US$5 and was given the m

October 31, 2023

Kwa Chigodora Makunakuna Zvinotyisa Zvinoyera Baba Vorara Nemwana Wavo Kutoita Mukadzi Nemurume Izvi Zvaita Varipe Mombe 45

Zvinoyera Zvinotyisa Zvinoshamisa Isu se dare ra headman Chigodora Tinoti           Baba ne mwanasikana wavo uyu vaive murudo, vaidanana hapana zve repukesi apa. Baba munoripa mombe 45 dzekusvibisa Dunhu rangu . Mozindipa $100 yangu yetsoka yekunoona pamamubhedha pamakaitira makunakuna .             Aaa imi herdman Chigodora aaa 45 cows ,dzobvepi nekuoma kwazvakaita mazuvaano. Aaaa itai mushe imi. Haaaa iye mwanayoo waibvumirei aaaaaa             Haiwa baba avo vakashandisira mwana mushonga semunhu ayiva nema bussing handidi kuona vakadzi vachishungurudzwa

January 18, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Obert Gutu Pfambi Of Politics Leaves MDC-T

The political prostitute,  Obert Gutu has prematurely aborted the political marriage with Thokozani Khupenga . Officially , through the streets of social media,  the former announced the divorce . He did not declassify the dossiers of the primacy cause of the divorce .  Allegedly, many citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media are claiming that Gutu has been having unprotected political intercourses with Zanu PF. Consequently, culminating into him being pregnant with toxic ideas . The ambiance of collegiality between Gutu and Mnangagwa which is exhibited by how the former verbalizes and actualizes his unequivocal support of the latter is very suspicious .  Furthermore, it is predictably believed Gutu will be ceremoniously announcing his new marriage with Zanu P

January 12, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis ZBC Is A Zanu Extension & Jah Prayzah Is Their Speakerphone

All artists should be valued and their artistry should be respected and protected as outlined by the constitution. More importantly, ZBC is a state media outlet that should give coverage with parity to all artists regardless of political affiliation.  Zanu PF uses ZBC as a conduit pipe to spread their propaganda. ZBC and ZANU are synonyms . My bone of contention is that ZBC goes out of their constitutional way to do anything necessary or unnecessary to protect Jah Prayzah . They protect him because he is one of them . He sings politically charged songs in favor of Zanu PF . In fact , he sang “ kutonga kwaro “ showering Mr Lipstick with praises . The song was never banned . They have a problem with Winky D ijipita. ZBC Is A Zanu Extension  & Jah Prayzah Is Th

January 11, 2020

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Zimbabwean Passport Is The Most Expensive In Africa

Ironically, Zimbabwean passport is the most expensive  in Africa;  yet it is the least valuable . The respectability and powerfulness of a passport is measured by how many powerful nations allow the holders of that particular passport to enter their jurisdiction,  without requiring a prior visa approval.  There are so many variables that affect the value of a  country’s passport. In general , the primacy of immigration is driven by economic factors . People migrate for economic reasons , for the most part . A country that is politically stable , economically poised , technologically positioned and intellectually mightier will have a very respectable and powerful passport . The citizenry of that country will be allowed to enter different jurisdictions witho