Wednesday, February 19

Tawanda Seh Calaz Challenges Winky D To A Clash Ndinokukunda Wallace

Winky D DiBigman Good show mumusha maMambo Yesterday👏🏿. I challenge you to a clash any day any venue ,kana matya clash we do same show different sets and let people be the judges ,mukahwinha ndoziva muchiri Bigman sekare.Mari yacho yoenda kunherera ne shirikadzi, vakaremara

vasingaone,nemastreetkids nevese 
vanotambudzika .Remember back then  Daddy D ,BadMan and Sniper vakakupai maClash muri vadiki kwavari now yavanguva yenyuwo muite zvemangoma tisangane mu speaker 

Winky d replies to madiss tracks for years ,in so many ways aqahwanda because he is a coward .Good thing Mambo ndi Mambo yamubuditsa mubako and he replied fastaa fastaa rega tikande rimwe mumaspeaker

Mbare NeMabhanditi NeVene thank you for showing Zimbabwe and the world that we are not violent,vanga vakatiteya but maqavaratidza kuti they are free in Mbare, ndivo havo vanga vakuimba zvemota dzema artists nevese vakapuhwa na Sir Wicknell kunge pane akambovaedza mota, ndiro godo undercover nechi badmind ,dai ari Mapfumo adaro better Sir Wicknell rambai muchingopa wamada, padamoyo,nerudorwenyu ,anonongedza vamwe asi ko mutsvene ndiyani ???. 

Magaffa and Winky you complain nekutoimba about ma subbotage yenyu yeku Jabuna yamakakanikqa  Passion Java  asi isu hatifanirwe kutaura kuti mukutibvisisa pamashows for 12 years  and if i start counting they are more than 50 ndoona hutsinye hwamakazara nahwo ,tinenge tichiti mangoma,hoo ndimi mega vanhu vanoda zvaqanaqa

SWAN show was the proof that hatisisu totema vanhu and it's true kuti if Winky is on the poster ndobviswa pashow, thats how toxic is Banda ,anosviko chinjinjisa kana ne kuti tsoro yavo ibude bhobho ndaifanirwa kubviswa pashow,ko if ndiri dofo mondibvisire pa same show ,imagine swan show organisers came to introduce fodya kumbare home ground ine hama neshamwari ,vabereki ,mafans aqatisimudza, but vakavhunwa vaqatya kana kuti bufu ,
and munhu ane mari haazoudzirwe and haana nguva  yekuteerera zvido zvemafans nevachaputa fodya yake ,that's business 

Thank you nekuverenga Bhangwela Famous Paragraph !!! Ehe waverenga🫡

For Entertainment and Real Dancehall Music Lovers!!!!!!!!!

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